Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Did Charles Darwin Kill the Werewolf?


Our pal and yours, Nick Redfern, has posted a link on his There's Something in the Woods blog to a brief article that focuses on the topic of Darwin and Werewolves.

How are they linked, you ask?

This piece focuses on an upcoming thesis to be delivered by Brian Regal, who is the assistant professor of the history of science at Kean University in Union, New Jersey. The article reads, in part:

From the late 19th century onwards, stories of werewolf encounters tailed away significantly, says Regal. “The spread of the idea of evolution helped kill off the werewolf because a canid-human hybrid makes no sense from an evolutionary point of view,” he says. “The ape-human hybrid, however, is not only evolutionarily acceptable, it is the basis of human evolution.”

Do yourself a favor and check it out. I think he is onto something. Share your opinions below!


  1. That's an interesting article.

    One problem is that werewolves *are* still sighted - on Cannock Chase for example or "the beast of bray road" - but when they are reported a lot of cryptozoologists (the ones who only want 'real' creatures not zooforms) will either ignore them or label them as hairy hominids, because werewolves make no sense as real creatures. Shelving inconvenient data is sadly something that happens in all scientific fields.

  2. Very true. Thank you for your comment, Becky. I think there are far too many sightings to simply ignore or pass off as mistaken identity.

    Yes, it is true that Bigfoot is the "number one" unknown creature, but I think the Werewolf is coming back in a big out, 'Foot fans!
